
The future will transform the retail landscape more than we could ever imagine. Retailers will need to focus even more on digital in both online and off-line environments and on connecting customer emotions to the brand across all the communication channels.
This is the vision of the retail business for the coming years. The main role will be played by working with data, the ability to interpret it and the art of offering the customer a unique user experience tailored to his preferences and needs.
Are you ready? We know how to do it!
Brick-and-mortar stores will become showrooms and sales will be online.
Successful retailers will need to anticipate customer needs before they happen.
Massive increase in competition due to the move online.
The ability to personalise will be a key driver.
Attitudes towards physical ownership of things will change.

Need -> behaviour -> data -> knowledge --> successful sale

What is your impression of a contact with a potential supplier who says “I know” in the second sentence and presents you with their solution? We are different. We are used to listening a lot at the beginning. We do everything we can to understand your needs in detail. Your customers' needs. To map their behaviour and then to test our assumptions against the available data to build the knowledge we need.
These are the first steps to get us started on a journey that ends with the successful sale of your products and services, supported by an IT solution. Naturally, we do not build on greenfield sites and bring experience from similar situations to our cooperation. And not only that. We have a whole set of tools to effectively check the suitability of different forms of solutions and thus choose the best form of next steps. One of the approaches we like to use is Google design sprint, with which we can create a validation prototype of the solution together with you within one week.

User Experience

Emotions are the foundation of user experience (UX). We strive for positive emotions that can attract the customer's attention and sell our products or services.
We know a lot about user experience at the CCA Suisse. Whether it is through working with fundamentally complex forms or through analysing an incredible amount of data. Data about the objective behaviour of users in our apps or about the subjective impression collected through customer satisfaction measurements.
We can combine the buying process, customer insight and precise data analysis into a result that delivers the right type of experience.

What Runs in the Background?

We grew up building enterprise information systems. Our CRM and ERP have been used by dozens of companies for many years. Not only do we have our own products and the ability to build more in the form of custom development, but most importantly, we understand the processes in the background. We can take most custom and boxed solutions and take them to the next level at your company.
Part of the CCA Suisse's added value has long been our precise data and application analysis capability, which will protect your investment and direct your efforts where they are needed most.

Data security always comes first

What impact would data loss have on your business reputation? A leak of client information? Blocking of sales channels due to a ransomware attack?
Specific recent figures show the devastating effect of underestimating these threats. And we can help. Whether by designing and managing our own applications with high security requirements in mind. Or by being able to audit virtually any environment, suggest threat removal priorities, and also help when you can't afford your own security team.
Security is also important to us internally, so we are no stranger to strict NDAs or security clearances.
2021 © CCA Suisse, AG